Thousands of Snow Geese take off in morning flight. The noise from so many geese was amazing and I captured it in a video as they fly RIGHT AT ME! - New Mexico

Thousands of Snow Geese take off in morning flight. The noise from so many geese was amazing and I captured it in a video as they fly RIGHT AT ME! - New Mexico

Mountain Bluebird - Colorado

Mountain Bluebird - Colorado

Bald Eagle - Michigan

Bald Eagle - Michigan

Sea Otters - Alaska

Sea Otters - Alaska

Tufted Puffin - Alaska

Tufted Puffin - Alaska

Common Dolphins 30 miles out from San Diego, California. This is Birding by Boat for Sea Birds. Look for Dolphins or Whales breaching the water and Sea Birds will be near.

Common Dolphins 30 miles out from San Diego, California. This is Birding by Boat for Sea Birds. Look for Dolphins or Whales breaching the water and Sea Birds will be near.

Snowy Egret - Florida. The bird picks up food as it flies.

Snowy Egret - Florida. The bird picks up food as it flies.

Common Murre - Alaska

Common Murre - Alaska

Widow Skimmer - North Carolina

Widow Skimmer - North Carolina