My Grandson helping me fill the feeders

My Grandson helping me fill the feeders

A Sandhill Crane flock is visually busy and loud to hear.  Very exciting.

A Sandhill Crane flock is visually busy and loud to hear. Very exciting.

Squirrels are crafty and can even get into a “squirrel-proof” feeder.  But there is a way to stop them!

Squirrels are crafty and can even get into a “squirrel-proof” feeder. But there is a way to stop them!

Close views of a Sandhill Crane

Close views of a Sandhill Crane

Birds can have interesting shapes.  Shorebirds are always neat to see

Birds can have interesting shapes. Shorebirds are always neat to see

A Pileated Woodpecker will break up this log in short order as it looks for ants.

A Pileated Woodpecker will break up this log in short order as it looks for ants.

A Mallard chick with it’s egg tooth

A Mallard chick with it’s egg tooth

Visitors besides bears can visit the feeders.  Cub bear waits or Mama bear to pull down the feeder.

Visitors besides bears can visit the feeders. Cub bear waits or Mama bear to pull down the feeder.

Bird houses bring birds into the yard for close views.

Bird houses bring birds into the yard for close views.